Our Equipment



Our electromagnetic therapy equipment is the product of many years of research and experience, as well as continuous clinical testing, and it represents the very best of the most advanced technology and the desire to provide the best therapeutic results, combined with the greatest simplicty of use. Our medical devices combine both Low Frequency (from 6 to 100 Hz.) and High Frequency (from 100 to 5.000 Hz.); they are equipped with antennas (for localised treatment) and total-body mats (for more generalised therapy, to be administered lying down).

And with clear advantages in terms of:

  • time (no appointments, queues, waiting, transferrals, etc.);
  • expenses (no therapy costs, excessive and prolonged use of painkillers/anti- inflammatory drugs, or need for transport, etc.);
  • fatigue (both physical and mental: due to travel, environmental and/or weather situations, and the need to ask for help/accompaniment from other people, etc.);
  • prevention (having the possibility to perform therapy both when the problems appear in a painful form and/or unexpectedly, and, in cases of chronic or degenerative conditions, in periods of apparent calm or less aggravation).

We do not guarantee pseudo-miraculous cures, nor do we claim that this is the magic wand for every problem. We certainly do contribute to improving your health condition and wellness, and we collaborate to effectively fight pain and the problems that seriously compromise your existence and quality of life.